On the Couch

After playing taxi-driver with my children yesterday, (they wanted to go to Walmart and the Library), the rest of the evening was mine and I took complete advantage of it. The boys cooked dinner (hamburgers and french fries) and I was sitting on the couch by the time my husband came home from work. After we had dinner together, I washed the dishes and back to the couch I went and I was there until bedtime. Did I feel guilty? No! Well, I guess I did because I folded a load of laundry. My husband and I watched three movies - one after another and we enjoyed this time together. Now, I couldn't do this day after day, but I sure enjoyed it! I'm trying to teach myself that I don't always have to be doing something - sometimes I want to sit and do NOTHING when I'm in the house. So, why did I feel it necessary to fold laundry in the middle of a movie? Did I feel like I was wasting my time? I don't think so. I was spending much needed quality time with my husband. Did I feel like I was supposed to be doing something? Probably so since I'm usually ALWAYS doing something. It's probably just the way I'm programmed. Well, it's time for some de-programming! I'm going to sit on my butt from time to time like the other people in this house do (smile). No one else seems to sweat the housework, so why do I? As long as they have clean underwear and aren't hungry, they should be fine. Life is too precious.