Prayer 4

Dear God,

I come to you in the name of Jesus thanking you for the children you've entrusted in my care. I realize these are your children and I need your help to train them the right way. Bless me with wisdom and knowledge as I correct and discipline them. Bless me with strength and energy to provide their needs. Lord, I need an extra ounce of patience, love, and understanding. Help me, Lord. I know you have a plan for their life and I need your help in directing them towards you. Give them a desire to be obedient children to their parents, teachers, adults in their life, and you, Lord. Help me to be an example of a willing, obedient servant. I want my children to see your light through me, so help me to be Christ-controlled in all I do and say this day. Thank you, Jesus for the blood you shed for me and giving your life so I could have life and have it abundantly. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.