My Strength In Weakness

I learn something new about being a Mother every day. It's amazing to me the many things we do on a daily basis and how we can keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny. That energy is the power of God. I awoke this morning at 4:30 a.m. to make my husband biscuits from scratch, spent some time in prayer and meditation, had prayer with my prayer partner, folded and put away laundry, put the trash on the curb that my oldest son forgot to do, washed a few dishes, exercised, and did some work on the computer. My children aren't awake yet, so my day really hasn't started. This can only be the power of God because if I had a choice, I would still be in the bed, yet I know what God expects of me as a Mother. It's not about what I want to do.

I truly believe the role of the Mother is just another one of God's tactics to show His awesome power. He puts things on us to remind us of who he is. We get tired, frustrated, irritated, and snappy only to get to a point where we call on Him for help. God wants to remind us that we are nothing without Him and we do all things through Him. We really can't take any credit for what we do as Mothers - the glory goes to God. It is because of Him that we do what we do.

Well, my children are up and about now, so it's time to begin my day! Thank God for Jesus!