Being the founder of MOMSWEB, I have to sit and listen and talk less when in the presence of other Mothers because as soon as I share MW, others think I'm an expert on Motherhood or will judge their Mothering skills. This is so far from the truth. Me? I always say God chose me to start MW because I needed the most teaching (smile). As I listen to Mothers speak about their homes, their children, and motherhood in general, it's amazing how different, yet alike we are. It's so easy to judge another mother, yet I've learned to consider the teaching this Mother has received and her upbringing. I've also learned to look at my own imperfections! Not everyone is raised by a Godly Mother or even a Mother that has her children's interest at heart. We do things differently, yet we all have the same boss and the same job description - to raise, love, and nurture God's children. Some Mothers prepare dinner every night while others enjoy the convenience of take out. Some Mothers give their children a hot breakfast, and some offer a pop tart. Some Mothers allow children to date in middle school and some choose to wait. Some mothers believe in children having cell phones and some do not. Some Mothers believe in chores and allowance, yet others do not. Whatever the case may be, it is not our job to judge each other, yet to encourage. We all have a challenging journey and being judged is the last thing we need. Encourage another Mother today even if you don't agree with her mothering style. Accept her and love her - this is the secret to an open door of opportunity to enlighten her on what God expects of Mothers and not what we expect of Mothers. Happy Mother's Day!