He Knows Better!

I'm recognizing my eleven year old making some unwise decisions in his early years. I'm so grateful to God for pricking my heart to pour good values and morals in him at a very early age because regardless of what choices he makes, I know he knows better. The Word says children will do foolish things, so it is to be expected for our children to do things that make absolutely no sense to us. God has already paved the path for them and His plan for their life WILL come to fruition. I can't get tired of talking or weary in training my children. It's a full time job and even being at home with them every day doesn't seem like much time, yet with no investment I get no return. I must invest in his life - if I don't somebody else will. I believe all things work together and this stage in my son's life is just another opportunity for character teaching for him and a lesson in patience, love, and understanding for me! I love these reminders to PRAY without ceasing!