Taking Care of Me

I'm beginning to practice taking time for me and I believe it began with the day I spent on the couch - it felt really good! Saturday afternoon I cooked a big 4th of July dinner since our family will be separated for the holiday. The family ate that and had leftovers for Sunday, which meant I didn't have to cook Sunday dinner. I came home from church and relaxed and worked on the computer (something I wanted to do). I didn't cook breakfast Sunday morning either. Everyone was on their own and I used that extra time to get myself ready and it felt good not to rush. I was still the last one out of the house, but it wasn't because I was running behind others all morning and forgetting about myself. I was simply taking care of ME. This is making such a difference in my demeanor! Not only do I feel more relaxed, yet I've noticed I'm more loving towards my needy family (smile).