I don’t know about you, but my laundry laughs at me.  As soon as I walk near a load, I can hear snickering from the socks planning to get lost in the process. I can hear the sheets giggle because they’ll purposely not all fit in the washer at one time. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen the bottom of the laundry basket(s) because my sons’ shirts make a point to stick to the bottom of the basket – do they want to be washed? Where does the laundry come from? Are my children throwing clean clothes in with the dirty to keep from hanging them up? What’s really going on? As soon as I finish one load, another appears – it just sorta happens!! I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s really just one load, which has learned to magically multiply itself and transform. Un-be-liev-able!!
I can’t believe I’m sharing this, yet it’s so unlike me, I HAVE to share it. This is the third day I’ve taken a pile of clothes from my bedroom to the living room and back because I don’t feel like putting it away. I guess the laundry not only laughs, yet it plays musical rooms also! Oh well, I will not get beat by this laughing laundry, which is obviously alive. It will all get washed today because I refuse to do laundry on Saturdays. Ha! We’ll see who’s laughing this weekend!