Seasons of Motherhood

My one-year old godson spent the night with us last night and he brought back many memories. He slept in the bed with my husband and me and I forgot how wild a baby can sleep. I also forgot how little sleep you get having little ones. Looking back over my days as a Mother, I realize we go through various stages of Motherhood - seasons if you will as our children grow. Mothers of babies have no time at all. That baby needs your every waking moment. Even when the baby is asleep, you're making preparations for when they awake. As our children grow, they become a little more self sufficient and begin doing things for themselves (with supervision). I don't think there is a season of being free from helping our children. As long as we're alive, they'll need our help. A Mother is truly a living sacrifice. Our time is not our own. Our life is not our own. Our bodies are not our own (babies even need us for feeding). Thank God for the changing seasons of Motherhood. Each new season brings new challenges, new joys, new sorrows, new wisdom and knowledge! We have to be flexible and go with the flow of life. As our children grow, so do we.