My nine year old came into the living room as I was exercising and asked why I wake up so early. It was 6:30 a.m. and I was glad he asked! I told him I get up early so I could have time by myself, time alone with God, time to read my Bible, time to exercise, time to pray, and whatever else I wanted to do ALONE. I tried to say it as nicely as possible, yet I was a little ticked off that he was up so early. He slowly turned around and walked back to his bedroom and hopefully went back to sleep. If he had not gone back to bed, I probably would have. I HAVE to have my time alone and if waking up at 4:30 in the morning doesn't get it, I'll wake up earlier. It's a must! Being at home all day with the boys is a blessing, yet I appreciate a minute alone more and more every day. A minute alone is my sanity and my peace. Preparing for a day as a Mother calls for private preparation.