Don't Plan My Day

When I worked outside the home, my boss planned my day. Now that I'm retired and at home, my husband likes to plan my day. Today was going to be a quiet day for the boys and me - no errands to run, no trip to the library, but noooooo as my husband was walking out the door for work, he said the insurance bill needed to be payed (in person) and he added a couple more tasks to MY to-do list. Ooookay, take a deep breath and keep your mouth shut. The last thing I wanted to do was send my loving bread winner off to work with my mean words and ugly attitude, so I immediately put on my June Cleaver face and said, "Noooo problem!" Being a loving, supportive wife takes effort and the hardest part for me is keeping my mouth shut, but I did it - thank you, Lord! After seeing my dear husband off, I walked into the house and grumbled a few words and commenced my day. I hate it when he plans my day, but that's okay. When you think about it our time is not our own anyway - it belongs to God. A Mother's job is to care, nurture, and love God's children and be a HELP mate to her husband, God's son. Okay, Lord...what else do you have planned for me today? I'm available.