Teaching Sons to Sew

Preparing chores for my sons on a daily basis is more to help them than to help me. My father told me a long time ago that there should be no difference in raising boys and girls. I had to think about it for a while, and there is a lot of truth in his statement. Why should girls be taught to cook, sew, and wash clothes and dishes and not boys? Although I don’t have girls, I remind myself that I’m raising some little girl’s future husband! I want my future daughter in laws to thank me, not curse me (smile). I’m so grateful for my mother-in-law teaching my husband how to keep house including other domestic tasks such as sewing! Having a husband that can sew his own buttons, wash and iron his clothes, and cook his own meal from time to time sure helps out a lot! I enjoy doing these things for my husband, yet he knows how to do them for himself and doesn’t have to wait on me to do them although he’d PREFER me to do them. Academics aren’t the only lessons being taught in this home schooling family, housekeeping lessons are included also. As I write this, I believe I’ll get the boys their own clothesbasket and let them begin washing their own clothes! Why haven’t I done this before? Now when they ask me if their favorite shirt or pair of shorts is clean, I can say, “I don’t know, is it?”