My Gift To You

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could give the gift of acceptance to each other? This weekend I met a mother of six children, and for whatever reason she shared this information with me; she has never been married. She immediately asked me not to hold this fact against her because so many mothers do. My reaction and words to this mother could have empowered her or broken her spirit. I thought of an Old Ethiopian Proverb MW has adopted…”When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.” My personal proverb is, “When mothers come together, we can change the world.” When we realize the collective power and influence God has planted in us as women, we can accomplish so much through our children, our husbands, our communities, our cities, etc... We can accept, encourage, and pray for one another or choose to judge and condemn (verbally or in our thoughts). Let's travel this demanding, yet gratifying journey of motherhood together. I invite you to read a word of encouragement from one of MW’s seasoned mothers at titled Accepting One Another. This is my Mother's Day gift to you and I encourage you to share this gift with another mother. Remember, "When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion."