Happy Helpmates

I often think of the term HELPMATE. Hmmm...God made woman to be man’s helpmate and I refuse to believe this help is all about cooking my husband’s meals and washing his clothes. Yes, he needs help in those areas also, yet I’m reminded just how important offering encouraging words, uplifting my husband’s spirit, and helping him to realize his potential is help also. I stay home while my husband goes out in the work force. Although my job is just as important in the home, he is the official breadwinner. It’s on his shoulders to provide for the family and keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Sending him off in love and allowing him to return to a peaceful home, helps him in ways I’ll never fully understand. When we were both working outside the home, my famous phrase was, “I work too!” I wasn’t overly concerned with helping him because I could barely help myself! My words can sometimes cut into the deepest wound and when I realized I was killing my husband’s spirit with the ugly things that come out of my mouth, I was no longer a help to him, yet a hindrance to his strength and growth as a man. God specifically placed me in his life to help him, so when he does something that irritates or frustrates me, I must remember my words can either build him up or tear him down. It’s all about humility. Can I put my needs aside long enough to see and meet the needs of my husband? I ensure my children’s needs are met without missing a beat! Today, I will begin AGAIN, to do my best to be a happy helpmate.