No Pain-No Gain

We all desire a happy family life and marriage, and most of us strive to be the best wife and mother God called us to be. The truth is, we must go through some bad times to get to the good times. We must have a little rain in our home to truly appreciate the sunshine. We learn very little about life and relationships in good times. No gain. The valuable life lessons come in the midst of our tears, our pain, and the unfavorable conditions we face from day to day. These growing pains, which don’t feel good at all, and seemingly last a lifetime, bring lifetime lessons of character and GROWTH. These character traits are exactly what we need to make us stronger, tougher, enduring wives and mothers. Whatever you are facing today is just a small lesson in your life and although you may be looking forward to the completion of this lesson, there is another one on the way! Who do you know that received a degree in a week? We’ll go back to college and take continuing education classes until we reach our individual goals knowing we are tired of homework, studying, and taking tests, yet when it comes to the test of life...we want immediate advancement to the next level. You weren’t born a woman, you develop into a woman and this is a process...a loooong process. You also have the choice to develop into a Godly woman (yes, there is a difference), which calls for a few more life lessons, a little more pain and definitely more tears, yet the degree of joy and peace you'll receive is priceless...buckle up and enjoy the journey!