A Winning Loss

My nine-year-old niece ran for vice president of her school student council recently. Her mother was surprised at her strong desire to run for the position plus stand before her peers and deliver a speech, which by the way was awesome! She was allowed to write the speech herself, yet of course her supportive, controlling aunt gave her a few helpful tips. I prayed with her the morning of her speech and waited by the phone to hear the voting results. My niece didn’t win, yet I excitedly told her she was a winner anyway! She didn’t understand, so I explained how things really do work together when you love God and made it clear her defeat wasn’t because she didn’t receive enough votes, yet it wasn’t God’s will for her to win – not yet. It’s strange, yet we learn few life lessons in good times, however, when adversity and disappointments surface, our character is strengthened, we better understand God and ourselves.

My niece is blessed to experience something so large in her little life and more blessed to have Godly women explain the blessings in tribulations. Her already visible leadership seeds will prepare her for future endeavors, yet they must be properly watered to take root. My own children have gifts and talents - some have surfaced and some haven’t. My youngest told me last night he wanted to be a fisherman when he grew up. Hmmm…can we reach a little higher? It’s not my job to plan his future, yet to watch for the seeds and pray for wisdom as I position him to stay in God’s will. Our children are created with purpose and their disappointments, tribulations, and challenges are only preparing the path. Needless to say, my niece wants to run for president next year. Looks like my little princess of politics learned a few good lessons!