This is a Test

My goodness! One thing after another has been breaking in our home. This week alone, our kitchen sink was backed up, the plumbing throughout the house has been acting crazy, our washing machine is broken, the refrigerator is leaking, one car wouldn’t start this morning, and just to put the cherry on top, I played a CD in my husband’s car and it just won’t eject – it’s stuck! When it rains it pours! Sometimes little things can pile up and cause complete chaos in the home. This is when keeping your peace of mind comes into play. In spite of all around me, I have peace. What can I do except deal with one issue at a time and go with the flow? Falling apart doesn’t help anything or anyone and things really could be a lot worse. This is a test – this is just a test of the National Coping Skills and Stress Service. I wasn’t prepared for this test, yet this too shall pass. One day at a time – one issue at a time.