
I was looking through my journal and came across some old wedding and funeral programs. One particular home-going celebration program captured my attention. It was of a young woman I knew from my previous church in California. She and I were pregnant at the same time. My last memory of her was standing in our church foyer (California) foyer together. We were both big as balloons. We laughed, talked, and shared due dates. It wasn’t long after our conversation that she died - in her ninth month. While looking at her obituary, I thought…God could have chosen me to come home with Him. Life is full of swift transitions. You never know what is going to happen from one day to the next – one minute to the next! The memories I have of this young woman are wonderful – her spirit, her smile, her friendliness, her joyfulness. Hmmm…what memories am I creating for my family and friends? Am I being the loving, supportive wife my husband needs? Am I giving my children the love they need to be confident, secure young adults? Am I being the woman God created me to be? The only thing we’ll be able to take to the other side is a good life. The only things we’ll leave behind are good memories. Make good memories each day.