Hallelujah Anyhow!

Even the worse thing that has ever happened to you has worked for your good – if you love God. I heard this statement years ago as a pastor explained Romans 8:28. I often recall this verse and refer to it as my situation scripture. It brings me comfort and lets me know everything is alright. Recently, a tornado visited my city and damaged some homes and also my church home. The tornado took me back to the many personal tornadoes of life I’ve dealt with. Sometimes it seemed my life was turned upside down, yet remembering God was in control made everything alright. In spite of my tornadoes, I’m still standing and they’ve actually made me stronger and strengthened my faith. It doesn’t matter if a tornado hits my home, my marriage, my children, my car, my money, my friendships, my job, or my health…God is in charge, so it’s already alright and I must say, “Hallelujah anyhow!” The first time I heard this phrase was over ten years ago when I miscarried twins and a woman I respected said to me, “Well, Hallelujah anyhow!” I thought this was the most insensitive comment she could have made, yet as I grow in the knowledge of Christ, her words were exactly what I needed to hear. It’s not about my light afflictions, yet about giving God glory in the midst of my tornado. Hallelujah anyhow!

The key to this faith is staying in the will of God and living my life solely for Him. As my tornadoes come and go (and they are coming), they remind me I am not here to fulfill my own selfish wants, needs, and desires. I was created by Him for Him and nothing else matters. Is a tornado visiting you? Well, Hallelujah anyhow!

Psalm 113:1 (TLB)

Hallelujah! O Servants of Jehovah, praise His name.