A New Love

Every new day I'm a mother is another day my love grows for my two boys. I thank God for this new love I'm experiencing and it feels good. The smiles on their faces and the wonderful comments I hear from everyone else regarding their manners and demeanor, I'm beginning to see for myself. The past few weeks, my husband and I have been sharing one vehicle and it's been wonderful not having transportation. The boys and I hang out at home, do homework, talk, play, dance, read, and whatever else we feel like doing with no disturbances. Don't get me wrong, I didn't say I wanted to be with them 24/7...I will still look for my quiet time alone this evening, however, this new love...deeper love, I'm experiencing for them is truly of the Lord and it feels good. Let's see what they do later to make me wonder if I sent this blog prematurely (smile). My boys can sometimes exhaust me and drain me of every ounce of energy and brain cells I have, so to feel this way is quite refreshing.