Be Ready!

Don’t get ready for the day; Be ready! Be on guard, be prepared, and be aware and ready for those unexpected events that are bound to happen. When was the last time you had a day where everything went as planned, you didn’t have to look for keys or a shoe, you didn’t lose your temper, or have to deal with someone else’s bad attitude? Whether it be our children, husband, or someone outside the home, be ready! This was my word of wisdom during my meditation this morning and I thank God for the secret weapon to handling the day. It’s like being on a battlefield, which we are, and always having our battle gear on, weapons ready, and staying alert! Spilled milk? No problem! Disobedient child? No problem! Bill collector? No problem! You know it’s coming, so prepare for combat and this includes our attitude, which will take us to a new level of reaction to those simple everyday mishaps and prickly places throughout the day. Are you ready for the day?