Letting Go

I attended a kindergarten graduation last night and was reminded I have one chance to raise my two sons and I don’t want to mess it up. Raising boys to become Godly men, gentlemen, loving fathers, and supportive husbands is not easy and I dare not imagine raising a girl to be a Godly woman. It’s a challenge for both, so a while ago, I made a decision to not raise my children and allow God to raise them THROUGH me; they belong to Him anyway! I ask for God’s wisdom daily and try to take advantage of every given opportunity to teach, guide, and correct the boys and believe me; they give me plenty of opportunities to correct! I often think about the children I know who spent time in a loving home with supportive parents and they still ended up on drugs, making unwise decisions, and going down a path their parents never imagined. All we can do is do our best and ensure we teach our children God’s Word diligently...this is what we are charged to do. I have to remind myself that God is in control of their lives, not me. If I had control, I’d surely mess them up. The day my sons walk out of the house, I want to know without reservation, that I’ve done my best and did all I was supposed to do to teach them right from wrong, good morals, strong values, and solid character qualities. It’ll be easier letting them go, knowing they’ve been given the right tools because one day I WILL have to let them go!