The Peace Test

Just as sure as I share how I keep my peace of mind or how I prepare for those unexpected tests, I have a pop quiz on keeping my peace! Yesterday, I was definitely put to the test of patience and peace of mind. Everything was okay until we were driving home from Bible Study and I’ve got just a few more nerves left for the rest of the evening. Between eight and nine at night is usually when I begin to feel drained - the boys have asked a million questions, told me 500 stories, and called my name 300 times. It was almost nine in the evening and I was exhausted, yet the boys were in the back seat still calling my name, telling me stories, and asking questions. I had to pray and ask the Lord for an extra ounce of grace and patience to get through the rest of the evening without losing my peace of mind. I could have easily asked the boys to be quiet, yet the drive home was short and I knew the power of God would sustain me AND my hormones if I just kept my focus on His power and not my circumstances. After all, why should the boys be punished for my lack of self-control? I knew they were tired also, yet they could have continued until midnight if I let them. Being tired is definitely stomping ground for the enemy, so I chose not to set myself up to say or do something I would later regret. We made it home and I exhaled. The boys were hungry and I gave them the quickest snack I could find and sent them to bed. Whew! I made it and didn’t lose my patience or peace. This process may sound easy, yet it has taken many days of losing my patience, and failing countless tests of peace to get to this point. Most importantly, it takes building an intimate relationship with the Lord and knowing to call on Him throughout the day before you reach your breaking point. Are you ready for your peace test?