Peace vs. Muddle

It’s so easy to let our feelings control our entire day with needless thoughts. Peace does not mix with mess and I like to refer to mess as muddle - it sounds better since it’s occurring within my body (smile). I frequently find myself with needless thoughts -thoughts of what my husband should be doing, or should have done, thoughts of my children’s behavior, or an incident with a friend, family member, or neighbor I didn’t agree with. These thoughts then control our actions and it’s a down hill journey after that. If we can hold our thoughts captive instead of adding fuel to them, our peace would come a lot sooner. How do we add fuel to our needless thoughts? By practicing conversations in our mind over and over again and replaying situations and discussions to the point of consumption...they control our every thought and this is so stressful on a woman’s already demanding day. This stress is detrimental to our health. Stress invites disease and disease kills. Many of us are feeding our own disease on a daily basis. These needless thoughts birth unpleasant matters - our children have a hard time getting our attention, we make careless decisions in and out of the home, and we’re distracted from the things that matter most. My solution to these needless thoughts is to turn my thoughts to prayer for the particular person or situation and thoughts of good things. The battle in my mind slowly begins to cease and my peace is restored. Can't think of anything good? Think of your Creator and the life, health, and strength He gave you this day. This definitely takes practice and it sure didn’t happen for me over night. I still battle a muddled mind at times, yet I recognize my thoughts and hold them captive a lot quicker than I use to. This makes such a difference in my attitude, my facial expressions, and my home environment. Peace or Muddle – which will you choose today?