The Greatness In Mothers

What are we doing with the power God has placed in us as mothers? Are we allowing it to sit dormant within us or are we working in the full power and potential God blessed us with? Mothers have the ability to cause change, and the means to mold minds. Our children are what we make them. What we place in them eventually comes out. Our husbands succeed with the amount of love and support we give them. Our homes maintain the peace we choose to promote. We have greatness in us! We were created to empower and impact those in our home and around us. I did some self-evaluation last night and it continued through the morning. I haven’t been working in my full potential as a mother. I got comfortable with what I was doing obviously thinking it was enough, yet God is never satisfied with mediocre performance. He always wants us to reach higher. Once mothers recognize our own value and power, others will recognize our worth in the world. We have greatness!!