Mundane Matters
Being a home-keeper can become a mundane mess if we allow it to. It's the same thing different day – cooking, cleaning, homework, running errands, taxi-driver, breaking up fights, laundry, etc, etc, etc… Thank God for the power of the mind. We have a choice each day to either dread our everyday responsibilities with frustration or to face the new day with an attitude of gratefulness for a new opportunity to create a comfortable, loving environment for our family. It’s a challenge, yet I enjoy imagining it’s my first time tackling the tasks on my to-do list. How pleasurable it will be to wash this load of laundry I’ve never washed before...separating the colors will be fun! Cook? Oh joy! What nutritious meal shall I prepare today? I may even bake a cake! Mop the floor? I’ll put a shine on it they’ve never seen before! Clean the bathroom? They won’t want to come out! Okay, I said it was a challenge, but doesn’t it sound fun to try? The battle begins in the mind and if we allow our thoughts to take us to that place of dreadful drudgery, it’s difficult to return to our private place of peace. Why even visit such an undesirable place? In an instant, we can paint the walls in our home black with our thoughts and actions. I’d rather stay where the skies are blue and clear - my thoughts are unpolluted and my actions are kind. Mundane matters don't have to be mundane at all.