Keep The Peace

I asked my mother what would be the one piece of advice she would give a mother and she said, “Keep your peace of mind.” It’s quite ironic that I share the same advice. Although I haven’t the wisdom and life experience my mother has as an older woman, I understand all to well the importance of keeping your peace of mind in the midst of chaos. My signature in my emails and other personal correspondence is followed by the phrase, perfect peace. My mother said, don’t worry about it being perfect; just keep your peace! Of course I would not understand or appreciate this peace if I had not experienced some pandemonium in my life. There is nothing like feeling as if your world is falling apart and you’re about to lose your mind - the house is dirty, the husband is acting funny, the children are getting on that last nerve, bill collectors are calling, and you want to walk away from it all. Having your peace of mind makes all the mentioned issues seem quite weightless – almost as if they didn’t exist. Yes, having peace is powerful, yet it doesn’t happen overnight. It is something that must be learned and practiced. To be continued…