My two little ones aren't feeling well. They must have caught a bug somewhere in the midst of these beautiful sunny days we've been having. I've been aggressive in nursing them back to health with rest, liquids, healthy foods, and whatever else will kill a bug. Last night as I sat down to rest a minute, I noticed my throat was a little scratchy. Oh my goodness, am I coming down with something? Is this why I've been achy lately? I gave myself a "V-8" hit on the head as I realized I forgot to take care of myself while nursing the boys back to health. Isn't that just like a Mother? We do all we can for everyone else and forget about ourselves. I don't have time for pain or illness, so I immediately got up and started another prevention process for ME.
Have a great weekend and find a minute to TAKE CARE OF YOU!
Dance the Funk Away!

Yesterday's blog was a test for me. Yes, I boldly wrote about my reaction to simple matters and I was put to the test! My goodness, it started immediately with second-born's wake-up attitude. Good grief! Did he sleep on a bed of needles to make him wake up in such a foul mood? Of course this attitude spilled over into our school time. Jesus, help me! He wasn't the only one dealing with moods. Mama was also tested with peri-menopausal hormones and mama frump. Actually, it wasn't a frump at all. It was funk! I was so ugly inside that I could hardly stand myself. Yuck! Exercise makes all the difference in the world to me, so I did what I needed to do to get out of my funky attitude. I put on my favorite dance music, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and danced the funk away. Gosh, I felt better! My physical being is a HUGE factor in my mental being. It is almost impossible to be Christ-controlled with a raggedy temple. Have you exercised lately? If not, get up and dance!

Whatever happens to you today, remember your reaction is a key part of the outcome. Whether it's your children, husband, job, coworker, or your's all about your reaction. Flying off the handle, foul language, or having a quick pity party only makes matters worse. Those reactions are inappropriate, however, when self-control is lost, this is how we are capable of responding. Coat your day in prayer/meditation and maintain a praying spirit throughout the day.
Dear Lord, Fill me with your Spirit. Consume my thoughts and emotions with your love. Hide me from myself and allow me to be Christ-controlled in all I say and do today. Help me not to be shaken or disturbed by the simple matters of this day. Help me to remember who I am and whose I am. Remind me I am more than a conqueror and I already have the victory in Christ. I can do nothing without you, but with you, I can do all things. Have your way. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Are You Busy?

Am I busy? That's a funny question, but one asked of me almost everytime I answer the phone. When am I not busy? Is there any Mother who isn't always busy? If so, please write me and let me know your secret. There is always something to do and I even include finding time to rest as an important item on my list of things to do. Therefore, I don't consider resting, resting. I'm still doing something that needs to be done (smile). Idle time? What's that? Idle time has never been my problem and I consider it a blessing to be able to do the many things required of me on a daily basis. Thank God for the activity of my limbs and being in my right mind! So, you ask, "When is a good time to call?" Anytime because I'm always busy.
Mom's Curriculum
It's graduation time again! If I continue homeschooling, I don’t think public recognition for our completion is what I’ll want. Take me to a far away place to dance and scream as loudly as I can, “I’m finished!” Oh yea, it’s not about me, huh? Well, graduation is about all Mothers when we're reminded we are our child's first teacher. We have endless teaching opportunities to prepare our children for graduation. I'm not speaking of graduation from the average school, but graduation from Mom's Christ-Centered Curriculum. Sure, my boys can turn percentages into decimals, but do they know God can turn a seemingly bad situation into a good one? Yes, they can quote the Preamble to the Constitution, but can they quote scripture? Of course, I’ve taught good study habits, but have I taught the importance of daily Bible study? They know how to successfully take a multiple choice quiz, but are they equipped to make the right choices in life? And finally, they know how to act in class, but will they set an example of a God-fearing Believer? Graduation is an exciting time in a child’s life. Mothers can be just as excited knowing we've done all we can to prepare them for the world – the real world. They need to know how to pass tests - tests of their character and faith. They need to be knowledgeable of the war – spiritual warfare. They need to know how to pick friends – is Jesus their best friend? Graduation is an end to another beginning - the beginning of life as an adult. When my sons graduate, I pray I have reason to joyfully dance and scream and that they won't need remedial classes from Mom's Curriculum. For those of you completing your twelve laborious years of teachers, books, reports, and projects, may God bless you and your tireless efforts! For those of us with a few years left before celebration, let's keep pressing on. Let's prepare our children for graduation from Mom's Christ-Centered Curriculum - graduation into the real world.
Psalm 34:11 (NKJV)
Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
Psalm 34:11 (NKJV)
Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
Sorry I'm Your Mama!
I am finished trying to validate why I do certain things regarding my children. Today, firstborn asked if he would have a summer like the other children. I told him he wasn't like the "other" children. He continued to try to explain what he meant, but no explanation was needed. I understood completely what he was saying. He's beginning to realize he doesn't get to do things other children get to do nor does he get to go places some of his friends get to go. Certain television shows aren't allowed along with music and video games. Tonight, one of his friends called him on their cell phone at 10:30 p.m. Hmmm... Well, Firstborn. I'm sorry I'm your Mama, but some things I just won't allow you to do. I'm sorry I'm your Mama, but some places you just won't be allowed to go. I'm sorry I'm your Mama, but some things you just won't get to watch. I was purposely chosen to be your Mother and I count it an honor! Every decision I make regarding your life will play a part in your future choices, morals, values, and beliefs. Sorry I'm your Mama, but this Mama has got to do what she's got to do...just remember - I do what I do because I LOVE YOU!

Freedom! I've been without my family for a few days and I'm ready to turn in my freedom card. I was excited to see them leave and now I'm looking forward to their return. I've been able to hear myself think, use the bathroom in peace, eat without other eyeballs on my plate, and watch what I want on television. The greatest part of my freedom was being able to commune with my God without disturbance. I know this special time I've had with Him was not about me, but to prepare me for their return and whatever is in store for our family. I needed to be strengthened, restored, renewed, and rejuvenated. When my three men return home, drop their bags in the middle of the floor, and ask what's for dinner, I'll be ready to provide 100% customer service! Hmmm...maybe I should hold on to my freedom card just a little while longer.
Mood Mess

Most women experience mood swings from time to time. Well, it sure isn't something we can just pray away. Moodiness comes from our physical conditioning and we can control this from day to day. Whether your moods are swinging from tree to tree or swinging out of control with no direction...GET A GRIP! Sometimes we just need to shake ourselves or talk ourselves out of our mood mess. Let's refuse to give in to the madness of moods. We can exercise, eat the right foods, get rest, pray/meditate, etc...There is something we can do, just find out what works best for YOU. Do I sound like an expert on moods? I am! My husband and I use to be on the verge of divorce once a month, and I'm sure you can figure out what part of the month that was. I decided I didn't like the see-saw marriage or the roller coaster SELF, so I changed my physical conditioning and it worked! Don't just waddle in your mood mess, do something about it.
Enjoy the day!
Show Some Sign
I awoke late for church Sunday, but my first-born had already eaten breakfast and was prepared to go to church. I wondered what his motive was since I always have to wake him on Sundays. He gave me the religiously correct answer of wanting to know more about Jesus, so I continued questioning. I asked what he did with all the information he learned. Once again, the correct answer was given. He said, “I’m supposed to use it.” I told him it was good to want to go to church and church school, but we need to show some signs of what we learn by how we treat our siblings, how we keep our room clean, our attitude, and obedience to parents. I let him know we can’t continue to go to church Sunday after Sunday and not show signs of growth. I was prompted to use our study of seed germination as we continued our conversation. We walked into the living room to check the status of a seed project. We have onion and cucumber seeds in plastic sandwich bags to test if the seeds are good or bad. The cucumber seeds are sprouting, yet only one onion seed is showing signs of growth – the others appear dormant. First born picked up the bag with the onion seeds and said, “Are we like these seeds?” I assumed ‘us’ meant church-goers. Surely he wasn’t speaking of me! Was he? I was speechless for a moment. As I looked at his serious face awaiting my answer, I laughed and told him those seeds could very well be us if we don’t show signs of growth by acting Christ-like. Why didn’t he pick up the cucumber seeds? I wasn’t about to ask another question. Once again, a Life Lesson for LaVender. As a Godly Mother, I should always show signs of a thriving, growing seed, not a seed of dormancy. What signs are you showing?
Jeremiah 2:21 (NKJV)
Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before Me into the degenerate plant of an alien vine?
Jeremiah 2:21 (NKJV)
Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before Me into the degenerate plant of an alien vine?
Good Reads!

I'm reading a book, Showing Mary, and it's a must read for every woman. It's actually my second reading of the book and it's even better the second time around - because of where I am in my life right now. The book shares how women give birth to new insights, visions, and life! The author compares situations in our life to Mary's (Mother of Jesus) life and Mary's relationship with Elizabeth. If you can get your hands on a copy, I strongly recommend it - GOOD READS!
Reading the book has made me realize I've been pregnant for a while and I'm ready to give birth to a new 'me' and this can only happen with complete surrender to God. I think we miss out on life when we allow fear to control our choices and not God.
Reading the book has made me realize I've been pregnant for a while and I'm ready to give birth to a new 'me' and this can only happen with complete surrender to God. I think we miss out on life when we allow fear to control our choices and not God.
Oh yea, I must say the only reason I read the book the first time is because my sister's artwork is on the cover. Little did I know it would become one of my favorite books!
Thank you, Dr. Renita Weems, author of Showing Mary.
Thank you, Dr. Renita Weems, author of Showing Mary.
He's A Keeper!
I don't know where I would be without my Savior. Yesterday was a rough day for me. I just couldn't get with the program. It seemed like I was mentally off-balance throughout the day. I always check my calendar when I feel 'off ' and sure enough it's almost that glorious time of the month plus this menopause thing is no joke. Where would I be without Him? I don't know what Mothers do that don't know to call on Jesus. This is even more reason to share our Savior with others. I wouldn't make it without Him! He is a Keeper - of my mind.
More Time?
A friend of mine made a very common statement that most women make, "There isn't enough time in the day." Do we really want more time in our day? I don't! I'd just fill it up with more work, more errands, more activities, more busyness, more stuff. Time in our day is like a purse - the bigger it is, the more junk we fill it with. The problem is we don't take full advantage of the 24 hours we already have. I think we call it time management? I failed that course in Motherhood 101. What I would like is more time for MYSELF. Yep, selfish I am. I have to remind myself that I'm the Mother of two school-aged, active boys who keep me joyfully on the go. My time belongs to them, so please allow me to go wake them, so we can start our day. I'm sure they have a list of Mommy-Do things for me to do today. Have a productive Tuesday and let's use our time wisely!
I couldn’t wait to get to church Sunday. I needed an encouraging Mother’s Day message and selfishly expected a personal word from above. As I walked in the church, I was handed a beautiful carnation. I appreciated it, but a flower wasn’t what I needed. I found a seat and waited for my anticipated word. Finally, it was time for the pastor to deliver. "Dear God, please speak to me." As usual, the message was exactly what I needed, but I was blessed with more. The most encouraging part of the sermon was when my pastor asked if any Mothers were a witness to trusting God to make everything alright. I sat and watched Mother after Mother of children older than mine, stand and acknowledge the power of God in their motherhood journey. This was more than encouraging to me – I was edified - I was empowered! These mothers have no idea how they blessed me as they stood and praised God. Mothers, Grandmothers, Step-Mothers, and God-Mothers were standing. They indirectly let me know they’ve gone through some trying times with their children. They let me know how difficult it is to let their children go. They let me know they’ve had some sleepless nights. They let me know they’ve had to cry sometimes. They let me know their children try their patience and take advantage of their love. Thank you for standing!
I know I will survive my new state of affairs with my pre-teen son and puberty stricken baby boy. We're experiencing new attitudes and new issues. I too, must stand. I must stand on God’s promises and trust Him in every situation – no matter how difficult it seems. These Mothers assured me that I can make it through my new season of Motherhood. I thank God for my word - He never delivers the way we expect Him to. I thank my pastor for prompting these Mothers to witness to me. I especially thank all mothers who share their trying motherhood moments; God knows we all have them! My Mother's Day was special. My family showed me love and several Mothers showed me love by reminding me everything is already alright as long as I continue to trust in God and stand - on His promises.
Acts 26:16 (NKJV)
But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.
I know I will survive my new state of affairs with my pre-teen son and puberty stricken baby boy. We're experiencing new attitudes and new issues. I too, must stand. I must stand on God’s promises and trust Him in every situation – no matter how difficult it seems. These Mothers assured me that I can make it through my new season of Motherhood. I thank God for my word - He never delivers the way we expect Him to. I thank my pastor for prompting these Mothers to witness to me. I especially thank all mothers who share their trying motherhood moments; God knows we all have them! My Mother's Day was special. My family showed me love and several Mothers showed me love by reminding me everything is already alright as long as I continue to trust in God and stand - on His promises.
Acts 26:16 (NKJV)
But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.

Happy Mother's Day! If you know me well enough, you know I believe Mother's Day should be celebrated each and every day. Many of you feel the same way. I have a hard time with the once a year commercialized celebration, but if this is what we can get, I guess we should take it huh? Oh well, as long as we remember to celebrate the One who truly deserves the celebration - the Creator of all Mothers!
I pray each of you will celebrate the role of Motherhood and embrace the privilege, honor, and opportunity to be a Mother for God's children. Happy Mother's Day today and everyday!
Wait For Me!
Time goes by sooo fast! I'm not having fun either; I'm working my butt off today! I looked at the clock and it was almost noon. Good grief! Where did the day go? Idle time has no place in a Mother's life. Idle time has no place in anyone's life! Every single minute counts, but more importantly is to make those accumulated minutes count for productive days. I still haven't decided what I'll cook for dinner, but there is a pound of frozen ground beef on the counter looking at me. The finger prints on the white walls are waving at me as I continue to walk by them day after day and there is a glass on the living room table that begs me to carry it to the kitchen sink everytime I walk by - yes, it's my glass from yesterday. Okay...I just spoke of idle time, so why am I sitting at this computer typing? Well, because writing is what I love to do. Writing is my passion and if I had to pick one thing in the world to do, it would be writing, HOWEVER, I have work to do and time waits for no one. The day is passing by! Wait for me!
What's one thing you can lose and never get back? TIME. Use your time wisely!
What's one thing you can lose and never get back? TIME. Use your time wisely!
She's Gone
I received an email this morning from a friend in California. Actually, it was my friend's husband. He was writing to tell me my friend, his wife, died last month of cancer. What? I didn't even know she had cancer. He asked me to call or email him and I don't feel like doing either, yet I will. She and I worked in the church nursery together and she received the MW Monday Meditations, which is how we kept in touch plus an occasional email to one another. She's gone. Sigh....I wish I had known she had cancer because it would have softened the blow. Friendship is such a bitter-sweet experience. I believe this is what keeps me from getting close to others - I'll eventually have to say goodbye, BUT, being sisters in Christ, I'll see you AGAIN. Thank God for Jesus!
Interceding Bride
I traveled to Atlanta over the weekend to be a bridesmaid in my aunt’s wedding. The day of the wedding, I arrived in very casual attire since we were to dress at the church. Well, the seamstress didn’t have my dress completed nor did she have the bride’s dress finished. Since I wouldn’t be participating in the wedding and definitely wasn’t dressed to attend a wedding, I chose to sit on the back pew and intercede and pray for my aunt who is more like a sister to me. Although I wanted her to have the perfect wedding, as most brides long for, it was important to remove my desires as I stood in the gap for her in prayer. I knew God was using each mishap on this special day as an opportunity to take my aunt to a level of faith she would need in her marriage. My prayers had to be about God’s interest and concerns for her. I needed to stay focused and connected to His will and not my own. As I watched my father walk her down the aisle in her replacement wedding dress, I continued to pray. I was overjoyed as I realized I wasn’t chosen to be a bridesmaid, but an intercessor. Although many things didn’t go as planned, God prevailed and the couple was covered in prayer and married. The seamstress was covered also…from angry bridesmaids. Interceding for others is serious business. Whether we are interceding for our children, husband, friends, organizations, church and political leaders, or complete strangers, it is crucial to remove our emotions and judgments and focus on God’s will in the person’s life. My aunt’s wedding may not have started off right, but her marriage did – covered in prayer.
1 Timothy 2:1 (NIV)
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone...
1 Timothy 2:1 (NIV)
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone...
I'm Married!
In her late 40s, my dear aunt is finally getting married. We've been talking quite a bit lately as she has become a batty bride in preparation for the big day. I've had several opportunities to share the reality of marriage with her. The wedding is not the focus, but the marriage! The warfare, the forgiveness, the compassion, the walk to humility, the acceptance of faults. Yes, marriage is a wonderful thing - with God at the head of the table. It's by His grace that I remain married to my best friend. Well, I'm off to celebrate the big day with my aunt and I thank God for my own marriage as hubby and I walk this journey of being one as we strive to become one with the Father.
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