The Long Drive Home

I'm usually a very composed person while driving, yet this morning while driving home from an out of town wedding; I was a different person. I don't know why, yet I could hardly wait to get off the road. I was anxious and irritable...okay, I was just downright foul. I was acting like a toddler crying to get out of my carseat. I couldn't understand why this road trip was so different; yet my actions and conversation showed nothing but a spirit of discontent. The two hour drive felt like a cross country trip and I didn't like it. Through all of my ugliness, I kept hearing one of my favorite scriptures of contentment over and over in my head. Yes, the Word of God is powerful - it found its way through my muddy thoughts. I thought of what my rush was to get home. Surely I wasn’t rushing home to wash dirty laundry and cook dinner! Not me! I came to the conclusion there was no reason at all - I just didn't like where I was or what I was doing at the moment.

So often, I find myself in situations and places I'd rather not be in and have to remind myself that where I am that very moment is where God wants me. Being the self-absorbed person I can be, I also have to remind myself that my uncomfortable places in time are not always about me. God may place me somewhere to be a blessing to someone else and vice versa! I continued to have subtle thoughts on contentment and realized as long as I am in the flesh on the planet Earth, I will never be completely content as God desires me to be. This world is not my home and I shouldn't get comfortable in my worldly surroundings, yet while I'm here; I might as well go with the flow in whatever situation I'm in. So often I fight what is going on in my life forgetting God is teaching me, molding me, pruning me, grooming me, BLESSING me! Okay, okay, okay, so the long drive home was needed because obviously I needed a looong lesson in being content and sitting in the car this day in time was God's perfect timing to teach me! Thank you, Lord and forgive me once again for fighting your will in my life!

Philippians 4:12 (NIV)
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.