The Sacrificial Mother

While having casual conversation with several mothers on the football field last week, one mother shared how her sister recently found out she was pregnant. We all expressed our excitement until the pregnant sister’s age was revealed – 46 years old. Yes, this woman is pregnant at age forty-six. Reality set in. I’m forty-three. Hmmm…my excitement turned to apprehension. Our conversation turned to the topic of the sacrifice mothers make for our children. Is it really a sacrifice or is it our calling? Is the job over when they turn eighteen or is this a freedom card we play? Do our children owe us anything for the nine months we carried them? The labor we endured? The nights we pray for them, doctor them, and hold them? Will we look for appreciation when they get older or will we be satisfied knowing we did our best? Looking at a woman’s life through our carnal eyes, it does seem like women get the short end of the stick. Our whole life is taking care of others - our children, our husbands, our parents, and then the grandchildren come. If we look at our life through the eyes of God, we have another viewpoint. We are CHOSEN to care for God’s children! We are His babysitters! His caretakers! What an honor to be chosen to love, raise, and, nurture His children! It’s a high calling. The true sacrifice is when we surrender ourselves to be used by God for His glory. Do you feel you are making a sacrifice as a mother?