It's Not About Me

My sons’ first football season has turned out to be more than just playing football. A couple weeks ago my husband handed me 20 raffle tickets and told me we had to sell them – we being my son and I. Excuse me? I didn’t sign him up for football, so why do I have to be the one to sell the tickets? His reasoning was because he worked all day and I was at home. Okay, I want to stay married, so I’ll leave the ticket topic alone. Later on, we find out the parents have to work the concession stand in addition to selling the tickets. Excuse me? Okay, I’ll help work the concession stand if my husband partners in selling the tickets. Later on, we find out since the boys are on separate teams, the fundraising events are separate for each team and now there is cookie dough to be sold. Lord, what about me! Is there anything else I need to do to help me enjoy this eventful football season? Why didn’t somebody tell me? Oh well, what am I being reminded of during this process? IT’S NOT ABOUT ME...this is part of being a sacrificial mother. This season of my motherhood journey is about putting my desires, goals, and ambitions on the back burner until I raise the children God placed in my care. Yes, it’s a big slice of humble pie to eat, however, they are only children once and I am a Servant of God for a lifetime. Lord, give me strength to keep on keeping on!