Wake-up Call

The Holy Spirit nudged me earlier than usual this morning to pray. As I got on my knees, my children were heavy on my mind, so I began to pray for them and also included my husband. I pray for my family daily, so I began to wonder why the Lord called me at 4 a.m. this particular morning. Well, it really doesn’t matter and the wake-up call was welcomed. I thank God for waking me to prepare for the day. He knows I’ll need extra grace and mercy. He knows what my children will be faced with while out of my sight. He knows what is in store for the family and that we’ll need extra covering. While we are sleeping, the enemy is at work planning and plotting traps for us and a Mother must always be on guard. We can’t afford to have a complacent prayer life or become distracted with busyness. The enemy stays on his job looking for available opportunities to attract our children and our husbands, so we must stay on our job of covering them in prayer - without ceasing. I use to think these early morning wake-up calls meant something bad was going to happen, but now I know my prayers, in the name of Jesus, protect and shield my family. We are protected from dangers seen and unseen. We are covered with the blood of Jesus and armored for the battlefield. I’m ready to face the day! Thank God for the wake-up call and the call to cover my family in prayer!

Psalm 64:1(NIV)
Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy.