It's sooo easy to become overwhelmed with the many responsibilities of the day as a wife and mother. We can get so busy with life that we forget to live. We transport our children, we work, we help our husbands, we volunteer, we're busy with church ministry, we clean, prepare meals, discipline, pay bills, help family and friends, plus whatever else we can squeeze in our day. Sometimes it's good to STOP being so busy living and enjoy life - enjoy living! Stop and smell the roses. Take a minute and look up at the beautiful blue sky and white clouds. When we stop to recognize and acknowledge God's creation, a sense of peace blankets us. Have you noticed the different shades of green in the trees? Have you watched the trees move and wonder why you can't see the wind? Can you appreciate the heat from the sun without complaining? Stress can be decreased just by taking a minute to embrace nature - by enjoying the beautiful environment surrounding you. The weekend is here and it may be full, but while we're busy living, let's enjoy living!