Beyond Blessed!

Here we are again, another week full of errands, meetings, work, sports, homework, cooking, cleaning, and the stuff of life to fill our days. Another week is upon us to try to get it right. Just thinking of what needs to be done can be arduous.

Last night after everyone finally turned in, I stood in the middle of my living room, as I often do, and looked around. The boys had their school clothes sitting out - they need ironing, yet we have clothes to wear. Our furniture needs replacing, but it’s enduring the wear and tear. Books were in every corner, yet we have eyes to see and the ability to read. A water bottle was on the floor; thank God we have clean water to drink. The plants need watering – they were gifts from friends and family. The family pictures need dusting, yet we have each other and we are together. It’s so easy to find things to whine and complain about, yet I’m so blessed! Sometimes I can’t see the blessings surrounding me for the mess in my mind. Actually, I’m beyond blessed because my basic needs were met a long time ago. I truly have God’s favor in and over my life.

Dissatisfaction, grumbling, and complaining are all negative vibes smothering the goodness of God. The very breath used to complain with is from God. Having a heart of thankfulness is the least I can do to show my appreciation for blessings I don’t deserve. Things may not be going the way I want them to, yet I’m alive and I have everything I need plus some. I’m beyond blessed! Thank God for this new Monday. I have another chance to get it right. I have another chance to find the good in every situation. I have another chance to focus on my blessings instead of my busyness. I have another chance to acknowledge my Master and say thank you. I have another chance to realize I am beyond blessed!

Have a Happy Monday in Motherhood!

Psalm 5:12 (NIV)
For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.