Benefits of Busyness

My life has been a whirlwind lately. My Father has been in the hospital for the past two weeks, soccer season has started, home school is in full force, and my church has been keeping me quite busy also. Oh, did I mention I also have a few personal endeavors? I can't forget about me! Some days I didn't think I would make it, yet the Supernatural Power of God steps in just when I need it most. I always get an extra ounce of grace to keep going. It's amazing how women keep going, and going, and going. Because of this busyness, I've been forced to be consistent in my exercise - it helps me maintain a pleasant demeanor (smile). It also keeps my energy flowing and my mind from straying down the negative track. Busyness has always been scary for me because if I'm not careful, it can cloud my focus and detour Spirit-led direction. I can get so busy living that I forget to live! Staying connected to my only true power source, my Creator, keeps me in PERFECT PEACE.

It's ironic, yet this recent state of busyness has shown me what I'm made of. It's shown me my abilities and what I can do if I just take care of me FIRST. It's also shown me another level of how God's supernatural power can become a natural part of a woman's existence!