Stealing Time

Working from home is a challenge for me as it is for many Mothers with home businesses. I literally have to steal time from my family to get anything done. This morning I awoke at 2 a.m., so I decided to sneak on the computer and get some work done. The computer is a magnet and as soon as I sit in front of it, the phone rings, the boys desperately need me, and my husband wants to talk. Toooo funny! Well, I took advantage of this early morning rising and truly enjoyed the quietness and lack of disturbances for about an hour. I didn't know how to act! I was amazed at my accomplishments and felt good about my progress. Low and behold, I hear what use to be pitter patter, but now sounds like thump thump of heavy feet hitting the hallway floor. It's my nine-year-old walking towards me, smiling, and waving hello. WHAT? Am I dreaming? This CAN'T be happening. After I swallowed to calm down, I kindly spoke back to my sleepy son. I just waited to see what my young one was going to do. No he didn't! Yes he did! He sat on the sofa and looked at me! "Boy, if you don't take your tail back to bed! It's 3 o'clock in the morning!" Needless to say, he smiled and went back to bed and I exhaled. Whew! I immediately got back to work with confirmation - In order to successfully work from home, I must steal time from my family. Maybe next time I'll use a ski mask and black suit as a disguise.


After my morning meditation, I cooked my husband breakfast, put in a load of laundry, made the bed, exercised for 25 minutes, and STOPPED! I went outside to enjoy the fresh, morning air. It was still dark, so I looked up at the bright moon, the twinkling stars, admired the tall trees and I heard one bird chirping away - loudly. It was almost like the bird was yelling at me for not taking time to enjoy God’s beautiful creation before I began my busy day (smile). The morning air felt good on my skin. I took a deep breath and simply enjoyed the ability to inhale and exhale. After being reminded that the next minute isn’t promised to be, my surroundings became brighter, more vivid, and more beautiful. What a waste to hit the floor running and not acknowledge God’s creation. Stop! Enjoy the beauty of the day before you begin your day!

Beyond Blessed!

Here we are again, another week full of errands, meetings, work, sports, homework, cooking, cleaning, and the stuff of life to fill our days. Another week is upon us to try to get it right. Just thinking of what needs to be done can be arduous.

Last night after everyone finally turned in, I stood in the middle of my living room, as I often do, and looked around. The boys had their school clothes sitting out - they need ironing, yet we have clothes to wear. Our furniture needs replacing, but it’s enduring the wear and tear. Books were in every corner, yet we have eyes to see and the ability to read. A water bottle was on the floor; thank God we have clean water to drink. The plants need watering – they were gifts from friends and family. The family pictures need dusting, yet we have each other and we are together. It’s so easy to find things to whine and complain about, yet I’m so blessed! Sometimes I can’t see the blessings surrounding me for the mess in my mind. Actually, I’m beyond blessed because my basic needs were met a long time ago. I truly have God’s favor in and over my life.

Dissatisfaction, grumbling, and complaining are all negative vibes smothering the goodness of God. The very breath used to complain with is from God. Having a heart of thankfulness is the least I can do to show my appreciation for blessings I don’t deserve. Things may not be going the way I want them to, yet I’m alive and I have everything I need plus some. I’m beyond blessed! Thank God for this new Monday. I have another chance to get it right. I have another chance to find the good in every situation. I have another chance to focus on my blessings instead of my busyness. I have another chance to acknowledge my Master and say thank you. I have another chance to realize I am beyond blessed!

Have a Happy Monday in Motherhood!

Psalm 5:12 (NIV)
For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

It's Easy to be Lazy

I awoke this morning feeling very TIRED! After my morning meditation, I decided to go back to bed for about an hour. Why not? It wasn’t even 6 a.m. yet! I thought some extra sleep would give me the energy I needed to get through the long day ahead of me. Well, that’s exactly what I did. I got back in the bed and it wasn’t a minute later that I got up - again. Sleep wasn’t what I needed at all. I needed to exercise! I made my soy shake and commenced my exercise regime. I immediately felt better physically and mentally. It’s so easy to be lazy, yet it takes effort to do what is right. Not only right for ourselves, but for our family. Yes, they benefit from our exercise. We have more energy and more endurance for them to suck out of us (smile). I can’t afford to be lazy, yet I do play my lazy card from time to time. Our bodies will only take care of ourselves as well as we take care of our bodies.

Benefits of Busyness

My life has been a whirlwind lately. My Father has been in the hospital for the past two weeks, soccer season has started, home school is in full force, and my church has been keeping me quite busy also. Oh, did I mention I also have a few personal endeavors? I can't forget about me! Some days I didn't think I would make it, yet the Supernatural Power of God steps in just when I need it most. I always get an extra ounce of grace to keep going. It's amazing how women keep going, and going, and going. Because of this busyness, I've been forced to be consistent in my exercise - it helps me maintain a pleasant demeanor (smile). It also keeps my energy flowing and my mind from straying down the negative track. Busyness has always been scary for me because if I'm not careful, it can cloud my focus and detour Spirit-led direction. I can get so busy living that I forget to live! Staying connected to my only true power source, my Creator, keeps me in PERFECT PEACE.

It's ironic, yet this recent state of busyness has shown me what I'm made of. It's shown me my abilities and what I can do if I just take care of me FIRST. It's also shown me another level of how God's supernatural power can become a natural part of a woman's existence!

Growing Pains

Last week my sons and I had an extended visit in Alabama. The length of our visit was unexpected due to my Father's stay in the hospital, which meant both boys would miss their first soccer game of the season. My puberty-stricken, eleven-year-old was very angry and cried because his plans were tainted. My immediate reaction was to give him a few choice words of his selfish, insensitive behavior, yet I thought of a similar instance when I was in school. My Father volunteered to drive and chaperone a club I was a member of to New Orleans and he became sick. I too, was quite insensitive. I thought it was cruel of my Father to ruin our plans; I was only thinking of myself. I related to my son's feelings and understood these child-like moments will help him develop into a mature, Godly man - if I help him. I shared my self-centered story with my unhappy son. We discussed the many disappointments ahead of him and the importance of keeping his eyes on God in all circumstances.

I know both my sons will have many heartbreaking days ahead of them and it's my job to stick by them as they mature mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Until they develop their own mind for Christ, I must be patient and love them through their emotions and issues of life - just as Christ continually loves me through my mess. Yes, there are plenty of growing pains going on in my home. This puberty process is painful for me. My son's changing attitude doesn't always settle well with this Mama, yet I must remember my present reactions impact his future actions.

Galatians 4:19-20 (NIV)

My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you!

Keep It Fresh!

This morning when I walked into the kitchen, I noticed the top of a plastic container, storing brownies I baked, was not closed completely. I then opened the refrigerator door and noticed the container holding chicken I cooked did not have its top on securely either. There was no doubt in my mind; the culprit was my husband. His name was written all over the containers. He knows cooking is one of my least favorite things to do, so you would think he would help me preserve the food I labored over. Hearing the tops snap as I properly closed them made me feel better. I smiled as if I had saved the food from the world. At that moment, a scripture came to mind about guarding my heart (Proverbs 4:23).

Just as I want to protect my food from the environment and preserve its freshness, I need to protect and preserve my spiritual life from worldliness. My heart is like one of those containers and it must be sealed from worldly lusts. My home is like a container and it must be protected from unclean spirits. My mind is like a container and it must be guarded from trash television, radio, and books. My marriage is like one of those containers and it must be protected from outside influences. Okay, so I’ll let my husband slide this time. I learned a wonderful lesson as a result of his lack of concern to keep food fresh. Staying secure in the hands of God will protect and preserve my life. My life will not wither or become dull if I stay in His will. I must also keep my life fresh to keep it equipped for God’s purpose. Keep your life fresh!

Proverbs 16:17 (NIV)

The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life.

Go With The Flow

It’s easy for a Mother to feel defeated, frustrated, and irritated about things going on in the home, yet we can take those same irritating items and use them to build our character and strengthen us where we are weak. We have a choice to be happy or unhappy in our circumstances. We can either cry over spilled milk or wipe it up and keep going. What can we do about anything? Nothing! We have to learn to go with the flow, to maintain our peace, and remember the joy of the Lord is our strength. Whatever you are faced with today, remember…don’t let it ruffle your feathers. Just go with the flow and KNOW we are promised perfect peace in the midst of our chaotic and challenging days! Go forth and go with the flow!

We Are One

This Labor Day weekend, my family spent time with a family we met four years ago. They moved away, so it was great reconnecting with them. At the time we met, I was in the military and my husband stayed home with the children while the other Mother stayed home with her children and her husband worked – he was in the military also.

Over the weekend, we found out our roles completely made a 180 degree turn. I’m now at home with my children and my husband works and she works outside the home and her husband recently retired. Realizing this was a comfort to me because I often felt she thought I was being unsociable because when I came home from work, I didn’t feel like socializing after being around people all day. Actually, I didn’t have time to socialize because my real job didn’t begin until I got home. On the other hand, she was at home all day and was ready for a break by the time her husband came home from work – she needed to get some time away from the house. We shared the common role of Motherhood, yet we were different. I’m so grateful we are still in each other’s lives and still accept one another for who we are. We better understand how the other feels. Too often, Mothers judge each other on what we see and not what we know. Until you’ve walked in another’s shoes, there is no room to judge or voice an opinion. Acceptance of each other as Mothers can’t be spoken of enough. We are one and have the power to change the world if we come together, yet until we learn to love and accept one another, we will never be as strong as God intended us to be.

Living Waters

Each Monday morning, the Lord strengthens my faith in Him as I sit at my computer wondering what words He’ll give me to share. I never know what the Monday Meditation will be until I begin typing. It isn’t something I plan weeks or days in advance, it’s an on the spot revelation for me as it is for you. It’s mind-blowing for me to experience the “living waters” of God flow through me. This morning the Lord took this living water depiction into my position as a Mother. Some mornings I look around my home and wonder how in the world I’ll do what needs to be done or even if I’ll do what needs to be done. I recall working outside the home and wondering the same thing. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you do, there is work to be done and it’s usually more than we care to recognize. It’s true, a woman’s work is never done and everyday is a labor day, yet instead of focusing on never-ending tasks, we can focus on the never-ending living waters flowing through us. There are days we can’t seem to get going, yet when we acknowledge and allow the living waters to flow freely, our strength, energy, and power are renewed. We are refreshed and others around us are refreshed by watching the power of a living God at work. This sounds good and today I will be put to the test of my words. After enjoying a fun-filled weekend of frolic with friends, today won't be a relaxing day as I intended, yet a Labor Day full of...labor. So, today and everyday packed with labor, let's remember to surrender to God and allow His living waters to flow freely!

There is more encouragement for our Single Mothers! Visit Sherri Speaks and read her candid article titled, "Frankly, I Felt Like Giving Up!"

John 7:38 (NIV)

“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."