Just A Reminder!

Good Morning!

This is just a reminder!! Many of us begin our day with a cup of coffee or juice, maybe a little exercise, or maybe a cigarette for some - whatever your routine is, don't forget to begin your day with prayer. It's so easy to put our feet on the floor and immediately get busy, yet our Heavenly Father needs to be acknowledged for waking us and starting us on our way. If we have a busy day, how can we afford NOT to spend some time in prayer? Prayer is our only communication and connection to our true power source, Jesus. We don't have the ability or sense to do anything on our own. Thank God my eyes have been opened and what a difference it makes in my day when I spend time with Jesus FIRST. We sure don't deserve a new day, so let's stop and thank God for His grace and mercy and for allowing us to see another day to nurture the children He entrusted in our care and help and support the husband he placed in our life.