Being a Mother calls for many routine responsibilities and tasks. Day in and day out it seems to be the same thing over and over - Cook and clean, cook and clean. If we look at Motherhood this way, there are many miserable days ahead of us. We HAVE to learn to enjoy the journey because this is it! The laundry will never go away, the family must eat every day, dust bunnies will always visit, and our name will forever be Mama! It really is a blessing to be needed by everyone for everything, yet at the same time it can push us over the edge. Imagine your home without you - scary huh? The Mother is the glue that keeps the family together. The Mother sets the tone in the home. Having a bad attitude only makes our load heavier. Joy in laundry? At least we have laundry! At least we don't have to wash it by hand! At least we are physically able to wash it! Whatever it takes, try to enjoy the journey and every task along the way. Finding the good in all we do will make our load lighter!