I examined my aging body in the mirror last night as I completed my nightly 35 jumping jacks and lackadaisical leg lifts. I attempt to do this nightly before taking a shower, yet sometimes just collecting the energy for a shower is enough physical exertion for me.
I’m already experiencing the benefits of exercise as my body matures, so I understand fully the importance of it, yet last night during our family prayer, a Life Lesson for LaVender was received.
As hubby earnestly thanked God for watching over our family and keeping us, I thought of how selfish I am in doing my part to keep my temple. My temple is the Holy Spirit's dwelling place, so I must keep it in shape to be fully used by Him as a woman, wife and mother. It’s funny how I’ll ask for more strength and energy, but I’m lazy about doing my part to receive it.
What if God was complacent in His giving? What if He didn’t feel like waking me this morning? What if He felt like complacently giving me breath? I know I'm selfish, but never recognized it on this level. I’ve been traveling on a one-way street as I expect God to deliver, yet I deliver when I feel like it.
I’m already experiencing the benefits of exercise as my body matures, so I understand fully the importance of it, yet last night during our family prayer, a Life Lesson for LaVender was received.
As hubby earnestly thanked God for watching over our family and keeping us, I thought of how selfish I am in doing my part to keep my temple. My temple is the Holy Spirit's dwelling place, so I must keep it in shape to be fully used by Him as a woman, wife and mother. It’s funny how I’ll ask for more strength and energy, but I’m lazy about doing my part to receive it.
What if God was complacent in His giving? What if He didn’t feel like waking me this morning? What if He felt like complacently giving me breath? I know I'm selfish, but never recognized it on this level. I’ve been traveling on a one-way street as I expect God to deliver, yet I deliver when I feel like it.
I’m reminded I must do my part if I expect God to do His part and praying for healing when I’m not well is not my part, but doing what is necessary for temple maintenance is – daily exercise, drinking lots of water, eating in moderation, and adequate sleep.
Wow! God sure has a way of breaking it down with me. This increased intimacy that I’ve been having with my Keeper is offering more wisdom, knowledge, and an awakening to a new life!
What about you? How is your temple maintenance?