A dear friend of mine became a grandmother over the weekend – a young grandmother I might add. Aren't they both cute?
Born strong and healthy, this newborn baby is in the best position of his life. He is completely dependent on his mother and others to care for him. Although born with a brain with the potential to absorb new information, this newborn baby can’t even think for himself. Until his brain begins to absorb new information, someone else will think for him. Someone else will provide all his needs. Because of the love his mother has already shown him, he is absolutely safe and secure and doesn’t have a single concern of any of his needs.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be a baby and actually know how good you have it? Well, a Life Lesson for LaVender reminded me that my adult mind should be exactly where the newborn baby's mind is – simple and completely dependent. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm not supposed to use my brain! For example, if I’m down to my last dollar, I’ll try to figure something out instead of allowing God to give me spiritual direction and listen to His plan. God should be my first thought…not an afterthought.
Unfortunately, my brain has reached a point to process, consider, evaluate, and analyze people and situations. I think waaaaay too much, but I'm getting better.
I never would have thought sharing the joy of a friend’s newborn grandson would take me here, but it did and I’m grateful. As a mother and wife there are many things required of me on a daily basis as I raise the boys and support my husband. I don't have enough mental space to handle it all, so having the mind of a child is a welcome matter!
Mark 10:15 (NLT)
I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”