After 15 years of marriage, involvement in marriage ministry, sharing with other couples, years of church teaching, and watching older married women, I no longer agree with many aspects of the teaching I've received in regards to marriage. When did the teaching begin? Waaaaaay back! I think I've been programmed since junior high school.
It seems the more intimate I become with God and the more I study and research, certain things aren't making much sense to me.
If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know Hubby and I have had our struggles in marriage and have recently began blogging more about our marriage to encourage other struggling couples. There wasn't a marriage blog out there that I could relate to, so I was led to begin one of our own. I'm SHOCKED that Hubby agreed, but like I said, it was truly Spirit-led.
We've been through the fire several times and I've come to the conclusion that many of our issues stem from wrong teaching in regards to our roles as husband and wife, submission, money, sex, and everything else relating to marriage. We are ONE and it seems everything I've been taught has attempted to separate our union.
I don't expect anyone to agree with me, but I will no longer be silent about what I feel so strongly about. I've been going with the flow, but no more.
I'll be sharing frequently about marriage at UN Happily Married and including Hubby's unexpected reactions to my enlightenment on our marriage.
Have a wonderful weekend and BE TRUE TO WHAT YOU BELIEVE!