Tone of the Home

My home was quite peaceful last night - not quiet, but peaceful. The boys were in their room playing, my husband was sitting in the kitchen keeping me company while I baked cookies, Christmas music was playing in the background, and our conservative Christmas decorations and lit candles added a comforting atmosphere to the home. I wish every evening could be like last night, but that would be far from reality. I realized the main factor last night was the absence of the television. Aha! There were no strangers visiting us through the tube! There were no restaurants tempting us to participate in gluttony. There were no half naked women prancing in front of my men. There were no couples turning my living room into a temporary motel. There were no lessons on foul language. Reporters weren’t reminding us about the struggling economy. There were no women trying to persuade me to look like them, and there were no advertisers tempting us to spend money. No wonder the house was peaceful! All those outsiders were turned off and away. It made such a difference that we kept the television off all night.

I'm not looking for a perfect home, just a peaceful home and this peace must begin with me. When I have peace, I have more patience, I’m more loving, and I’m in a better position to hear God’s voice. I believe the mother sets the tone in the home. Chaos is created and disorder is designed, yet a peaceful mother is a praying mother and a praying mother is a powerful mother. Something as simple as having soft spiritual music in the home is enough to keep the enemy away because he can’t stand a peaceful environment and he sure can’t survive in a praise atmosphere. I know I will have to compete with the popular television, but it's worth a little effort. I thank God for the Prince of Peace and the peace He has already placed in me. Let's embrace our peace and share it with our family.

Proverbs 3:17 (NKJV)
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
perfect peace,