I was listening to a Television Evangelist this morning speak about being busy. Ha! Well, I learned the difference in being busy and being productive. She actually used the word fruitful, which is definitely beneficial and exactly what God calls us to be. Busy is running around like a chicken with your head cut off and going to and fro into the Earth without doing anything productive for God. Being fruitful is being in the will of God and helping others He's led us to help, support, encourage, and pour into. Well, I've had ALOT of busy days, but even before I heard this message, I began to say no to many events I'm invited to. Now, that's being busy! I don't have to attend every luncheon, party, and social event I'm invited to. It's not possible especially when God calls me to do other things - like tend to the needs of my family and use the gifts He's given me. Allowing God to lead and guide us with our busyness will definitely turn busyness into productivity. Have a joyful and PRODUCTIVE day!