Mistreated Child

Last Friday, while sitting in the car waiting for my son’s baseball game to start, I watched people come and go from the baseball field. One particular woman came out of the park extremely angry, hurriedly walking, and yelling, “They aren’t treating him fairly! They aren’t treating him fairly!” She was so emotional; I felt sorry for her. I assumed she was a Mother speaking of her son's treatment during a game. Any Mother would be livid to discover her child being mistreated. I felt her pain as I imagined one of my own being mistreated. I might as well admit it; this Mama would probably be ready to fight. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, a Mother is always ready to protect her child and when our children are out of our sight, we pray someone else will protect them. I’ve been thinking about this enraged Mother all weekend except I’ve replaced her face with an image of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I see Mary hysterically crying, walking from person to person, and yelling, “They aren’t treating him fairly! They aren’t treating him fairly!” I can only imagine what it would feel like to know my child has lovingly done something for someone only to be taken advantage of and mistreated. I would never intentionally hurt another Mother’s child, but I have – more than once. There really isn’t an excuse or justification. It doesn’t matter the age of the child or the circumstances. Jesus is our Heavenly Father, but He is also someone’s child. So, what do I do with this sad image I can’t seem to shake? Well, I am definitely checking my actions towards someone I say I love. My relationship with Jesus must not be one-sided. Just as He has been everything to me, I must strive to be everything to Him. Just as He is available to me, I must be available to Him. Let's not be guilty of mistreating Mary’s child.

John 14:15 (NKJV)
“If you love Me, keep My commandments."
perfect peace,