A Commitment

I've had some full, tiring, peri-menopausal days this week, however, my connection to Jesus has not suffered. It's funny how I spend more time with Him when I'm feeling bad. I call on Him more and I definitely pray more. I was thinking of King David and his commitment to pray three times a day. Although this was David's custom, he was committed to going before the Lord and not allowing anything to get in the way of his prayer time. I've recently made a commitment to study the Word more. Not just read the Word, but study the Word. The Word is our weapon and life will definitely keep us away from it. I've already noticed the benefits of my new commitment. My days are full and tiring, yet my connection to Jesus is growing stronger. It's an awesome feeling striving to be committed to the spiritual matters of this world. We can work and work and strive to achieve in life, yet the only thing that matters and is everlasting is our relationship with Him.