Fourteen Years!

Today is my 14th Wedding Anniversary! Last night I read a few pages out of an old journal to my husband. I went waaay back to when I first met him. I'm so happy I journaled those days. My sons were listening to my thoughts and saying, "Ahhhhhh." It sounded like a romantic story. Do I still feel that way? No, my feelings are much stronger, secure, and solid. Couples go through life and experience hardships and challenges together and it only makes a more solid foundation. Fourteen years is a long time and we've actually known each other longer than that. It's by the grace of God that our marriage wasn't separated, yet strengthened through the years. I consider some of the older couples I know who've been married many more years than I and think...there is hope. Just keep on keeping on and keep on looking over each other's faults and loving each other in spite of shortcomings and irritating habits (smile). Love conquers all. Happy Anniversary to me!