It's sad, but true that many women are doing their best to not go crazy from day to day. Before you know it, our plates are full, we're tired and irritable, we miss meals, and we find ourselves on the edge and about to go coo-coo for cocoa puffs. Many mothers are silent about these melting moments, yet we all have a breaking point. The chipper mom, the PTA mom, the stay at home mom, the quiet mom, the church mom - we all have a limit. We push ourselves to care for everyone else leaving ourselves neglected and abused from self-love. We MUST take care of ourselves. What did you do for yourself this morning? Did you pray or meditate to begin your day? Did you have a balanced breakfast to fuel your body for the day? Did you exercise to increase your energy level? What did you do to help prevent yourself from going over the edge? Visit www.momspeaceplace.blogspot.com for helpful hints to help YOU.