Both my sons wash their own clothes, but every now and then, I'll show a little Mama mercy and throw in a load for them. I did just that yesterday and I placed the dry clothes on the sofa thinking they would see them and finish the job. I must have lost my mind for a split second by thinking they would jump in and help out because the clothes are still on the sofa. Hmmm...do they not see what I see? They must be waiting for me to say the magic words..."Get your clothes off the sofa and hang them up." I don't get it. Wash your hands, brush your hair, make your bed, pick up your clothes, take a shower, put deodorant on, brush your teeth, take out the trash. Good grief, do they see the world through do nothing eyes or what? Anyway, the clothes on my sofa only begins my day...I'm sure the Lord has more to add, so I'll just say the magic words to get the day going...."Hey! Come and get your clothes off the sofa!"