Lord, help me! Second-born is really trying me. He's such a bright young boy, but for some reason wants to act like the poster child for 'Don't Homeschool.' My father actually came up with that name, so I'm not the only one who recognizes the challenge in educating my younger son. His answer to most questions is, "I don't remember" or "I don't know." Auuugh! Okay, I know this isn't about him - it's about me refining my patience and compassion. It's about me depending on God for creative ways to teach His child. It's about not allowing the enemy to use me to kill my son's spirit of learning. It's about LOVE. It's about not losing my mind in the process of home educating my children. Lord, help me!
Although we've been doing a little homework all summer, yesterday I turned up the heat just a little and he acted like it was killing him. I had to take a time out and get MY head together. Laziness and attitudes don't mix well with this Mama, so I stepped away from the picture and went to my prayer closet - literally. I had to remember that this too, is spiritual warfare and I will not be beat. After taking time out to regroup, pray, and get myself in a place to hear God's voice, the rest of the day went okay. It's amazing how our attitude affects our actions and the actions of others. Well, time to get ready for another school day. What will today hold? Whatever it is, I'll just smile and praise God through it. Help me, Lord!