I'm so concerned about my own moods, I never really thought about the mood of my home, but it has one - every home does. The size of the home doesn't matter or how many family members are in it, our home has a mood. I guess it's really the atmosphere or environment of the home, but mood sounds more personal to me. Last night, after a full day of discipline, bickering, homework, complaining, television, radio, attitudes, complaints, comments, telephone calls, doorbells, and an array of other household input and output, I felt the need to change the mood of my home. I turned off the television and put on soft worship music. Ahhh.... Then I brought the family together for prayer (on our knees). Once everyone was tucked away in their beds, I had an intimate moment with God. The atmosphere of my home wasn't just quiet, it was serene - peaceful. I believe the home takes on the persona of the family and everything we allow in it. We allow outside influences, worldly thoughts and words, and members of the GMC Club - grumblers, mumblers, and complainers to set up camp in our dwelling place. Sometimes it's necessary to take a time out from activity and focus on what's important - God and family.