Forgiveness In Marriage

My mother and I saw a movie this weekend which prompted early morning thoughts of the many women I know in unhappy marriages. We all experience difficult seasons in our marriage and some of you wonder if your season will ever end. I too, endure my seasons of marital unhappiness. So, why do women stay in unhappy marriages? Is it expected? Is it the Christian thing to do? Is it for the children? After the movie, my Mother said, “If we didn’t forgive, there would be no marriages.” Amen! Our willingness to forgive is a test of our being a new creature in Christ. When I’m angry with my husband, it amazes me how God smothers my desire to cut my groom with my special killing words. I know it’s God because I’m not physically capable of holding my tongue. This supernatural covering is proof of the change in me. No, I haven’t always been this way and even today I sometimes wish the Lord would allow me two minutes to let my old nature surface – I only need two. My fellow Mothers, when our marriages are attacked, someone needs to be humble enough to be used by the Spirit of God. Who is showing love, mercy, and forgiveness? Who will God use to restore the marriage? Who is praying? Who is showing Christ-likeness to the children? In those rocky marital moments, I have to step back and let God have His way. Yes, it’s hard and sometimes it hurts, yet it hurts God more when He can’t use us to show His love. Who am I to deny anyone the benefits and freedom of God’s forgiveness? My ability to forgive and show love is evidence of my change. If God can change me, he can change ANYBODY!
I can’t forget those in physical, verbal, and mentally abusive marriages – please know you can forgive while protecting yourself.

Ephesians 5:2 (NKJV) And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.